Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saving a Little Summer for the Rest of the Year

Years ago on a cold winter day I purchased a bottle of body wash from Sephora because I was drawn to the Hawaiian packaging and aroma. When I actually started using the product I realized that it worked just as well as it smelled. Not only did it moisturize and cleanse my skin but it also helped remind me that summer was around the corner.

Today I still continue to purchase Joey New York Beautiful Body Seaweed Body Wash, however it is a little more difficult than it used to be. The Seaweed Body Wash is no longer available in Sephora and therefore I take to internet searches every few months to locate the product. Occasionally I can find it on Amazon and other times on eBay. I don’t mind putting in the effort to track down the product because the end result is worth it.

The fragrance reminds me of the best possible smelling tanning lotion with a hint of fruitiness. I actually do not use this product in the summer. Rather, I save it for the winter when the beach seems so far away.  And while I'm not looking forward to the summer wrapping up, I do take comfort in knowing that I have this little gem in my shower.


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