Helloooo out there. As it is the beginning of January and I am on winter break from school, I find myself drained of inspiration. I’ve decided that since I can’t think of anything specific to share, I’ll share the few things that have been running through my brain lately.
1. Book Club: I recently joined a book club and our latest read was Sarah’s Key by Tatiana De Rosnay. I can’t get this book out of my head! It was so sad yet it made me want to hop onto my computer and research the events detailed in the story. I recommend this book, its a moderate length but its quite hard to put the story down so you can finish it in no time.
2. The NOOK: A little over one year ago I purchased the NOOK as an impulse buy. One week later the NOOK color was released (biggest regret of my life thus far). I can handle being a laggard when it comes to technology, but finally I decided to download my textbooks on my NOOK, the best part about this scenario? The original NOOK can not handle the downloading of textbooks. Hence the new dilemma is to buy a new NOOK or to keep the old one and use regular textbooks (the social horror!), ultimately, to NOOK or not to NOOK?
anddd finally...
3. Fashion: I managed to score a ridiculously amazing tribal skirt at Forever21 and it’s literally the best purchase of 2012 (I bought it in December but whose keeping track?). Now normally I don’t purchase skirts in the winter, I feel like they sometimes look forced when paired with dark tights and a heavy sweater. I obviously decided to make an exception and furthermore try and instill myself with patience and wait to wear this white skirt in the summer. This last comment won’t happen, I have no patience, but anywho enjoy the picture and lemme know what you all think!
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