Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Rise and Fall of the Cupcake

For the past few years it seemed as if everywhere I looked there were cupcakes – cupcake stores, cupcake trucks, cupcake fundraisers and cupcake wedding cakes – CUPCAKE OVERLOAD!  As much as I love cupcakes, I am excited to report that two other sweet treats are starting to rise in popularity, thus giving cupcakes a run for their money – French Macaroons and Cake Pops.  Pictured above are pistachio and raspberry French macaroons from Financier.  These treats were a perfect gift from roommate. Not only are they delicious, but they are Christmas colors and packaged beautifully.  Also pictured above is a cake pop from Starbucks.  This particular one is chocolate cake covered with a hard layer of white chocolate and peppermint sprinklings.  Yum!


1 comment:

  1. WOW your roomate gave you macaroon! she must be AMAZING!
